Torino 1

I have been quite busy with the Uni project and finally I handed it in, although I still have a presentation. After beeing indoor entire month I wanted to get away London for a bit, originally wanted to go to snowboarding unfortunatelly no one wanted to go so I've decided to go to Turin last minute(Ive got flight 5 minutes before midnight). I had no sleep as it was really sudden, 4pm I was standing at the bus stop for the coach to stansted. Slept all the way well, at least I tried to.

How long I haven't been to this city where I used to live. I have many memories of this city. There were so many forwigners on my flight also at the airport because of olympic. Usually it's quite rare to see non Italian people in this town. Atmosphere of the city was definitely dofferent from when I used to live. I hope this carries on even after olympic.

Met Angelo for brekfast who owns own shops and fashion label. He introduced me Rodorigo his son. the last time I saw him he was maybe 3 years old. At first He looked a bit scared of me, but after showing few tricks with cards and playing footy in his little room helps to become friends.

After brekfast, I've decided to go with them for work. We have been to Ivrea which is small town (It's famous as there is a carnival where different teams fight throwing oranges). He recentely got a space for his new shop and its been renovating. Nice and big space.

After that we went to a factory where Angelo gets done his clothes. It was interesting to play with Rodorigo while they are on deal. We did everything you can imagine with pen and paper.

The guy from factory told us good restaurant, ummm it was delicious!! I wish there was a food culture in UK too. After filling our stomach we were on the way back to the city. There was massive fog that slowed down our journey.

Finally got back Turin and Angelo gave me a lift to my friend's house. Alessandro, I have actually intoroduced earlier on this blog. It was already quite late when I got Ale's place and we went to bed after a little chat over cup of tea.









Waiting for Bus at 4AM

Early Boarding

Sunny Morning

Shop Space


Foggy Highway

Alessandro's Room

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