Torino 2

Next day (Friday) We got up early morning as Alessandro had to go to work. I've asked if I could come and work in his office and we went there together. After quick brekfast at bar we started working, I think it's good to work in different environment as I could concentrate very much. At lunch break we went to the same bar and had some pasta, but not pasta that has been there for whole day. They started to cook right after we ordered. It was some hand made pasta with fresh pesto. You never get this kind of thing in London with the same price.

After finishing work we went for a walk in the city center. It has difinitely different atmosphere than when I used to to live, although it hasnt changed as much as I thought. While my friend went to relax at home, I met Angelo and he showed me a part of city where I haven't been very much. Finally I could see the effort for olympics in some area. He showed me his shops to and it was very different from the last time I've seen, I like more how his shops are.

I met with Alessandro again after while, we decided to go for 'aperitivo'. This is a wicked system in italy. You go to bars and get drink. There are hundreds of different dish on the table and you can pick up whatever you want and as much as you want to, its free of charge. I wonder how they keep it going.

We've stayed there for long untill some friends joined us. We tryed to go to some place but it was packed and shit (well it was gay night) so we decided to go home. on the way we had kebab after waiting for 30mins. There was another surprise there,
beef kebab!!! and they put ketchap and mayonese. I had some of it but to be honest it wasn't good as lamb one, it tasted strange.

Next day was foggy and rainy.. we got up and my friends gave me a lift to the airport. When I went into the gate, there was an anounce that my flight was delayed about 3 hours... I could've been spent more time in the town... Thanks easyjet!!!









So many people walking around

Bello uh!?


Apeitovo (Pasta)

Alessandro Pimpin'

Roberto, one of the guys who took a trip to Japan with me

Phillipo, an bravo illustrator

Che Bab!!

Alessandro's room again

View of alps from the airport

2 コメント:

  1. Anonymous said...

    mai visto un letto così figooo!
    What da fck!
    Wonderfull house!
    Now I want kebab, but I need okonomiyaki!!
    I need to see japan another one way.. When I was a child I should to be a japanese cartoon.. Now, I'm cartoon but not japanese... What da.. beter that nothing!  

  2. Anonymous said...

    Hey the name of your blog is really creative and cool! ;) Wish you would put more entries and photos... It is so interesting to read! Cheers =)  


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