Okonomiyaki in UK

Last night at my friend house in west London, okonomiyaki-project in UK has been completed. I got there a bit later, so some okonomiyaki were already done (Kansai-fu though). After while my friend Shouhei got back with his friend. We cooked (Mainly Shohei, Thank you!) few kansai-fu okonomiyaki. We were 7 of us and Shohei told me that he has already cooked about 10 okonomiyaki.

I've been thinking about if we open okonomiyaki restaurant in London with reasonable price, it would be succesful as its very simple and quick to cook + very tasty. There is a Okonomiyaki restaurant in London, but they are truly ripping you off. A simple okonomiyaki which contains egg, flour, sliced pork and cabbage costs nearly 10 pounds. In Japan it would only cost 3 quid. I personally think that this Japanese food=expensive stereotypical generalization should be changed. Quality of the Japanese food in abroad is really poor (not because of ingredient). This is because as long as food quality is ok people would go there anyway, especially non-Japanese people that do not really know what is the real Japanese taste like. Well, it's getting abit long, but there are many people using this 'JAPNESE FOOD' brand as a medium for their income, and this has been creating the wrong Japanese cultural identity in abroad. This could be said not only in food but in general in our culture.

Let's get back to the project. After while 3 people left as they had a gig to play, so we had more time to cook. We've decided to cook Hitoshima-fu okonomiyaki!! I was the first to cook. The first layer came out pretty well, cabage was fine, but noodles were difficult to treat as they sticked to pan so easily. Finally I got something done even if it didnt look like the one I always have back in Hiroshima. The taste was better than I imagined from it looks. Shohei cooked after me and it looked fantastic!!!! And tasted good too. I need practice more.....

いよいよこの日がやってきました。お好み焼きin Londonです。広島出身の昇平君の家に7人くらいで集まりました。最初の予定では広島風をつくるという事になっていたのですが、2個フライパンがいるのと時間がかかるとの事でとりあえずは関西風でみんなの腹をある程度までふくらまそうということに(といってもほぼ昇平君がつくってくれました。ありがとう!)。しばらくすると今夜コンサートのある3人が帰る事に。そしていよいよ広島風に挑戦の時がやってきました。生地、キャベツと結構うまくできたのですが、問題は麺、冷凍の麺なので、結構もろく、そして油をひいたにもかかわらずフライパンにくっつきまくり。何とか最後の卵までこぎ着けて形を整える。正直、まずそうです。でも食べて見るとそこまで悪くはなかったです、まー初めてにしてはオッケーでしょう。次は昇平君がつくったんですが、これがCMに使われるお好み焼きみのお手本たいなのが出来上がりました。故郷を思い出させてくれます。やっぱり味の方も僕のより全然うまく、もっと経験を積まねばと思いました。


The Chef Shohei


My invention of the night 'CuppTEAno'

A quiz!!! Do you know what this is? There is a prize for the winner.

8 コメント:

  1. Anonymous said...

    it's funny. when everybody cooks something good they start talking about opening a restaurant.

    the thing is used to check if the hiroshimayaki is cooked in the middle.  

  2. Anonymous said...


  3. Anonymous said...

    yes i think i know what it is...it is used to measure the heat of what ur cooking and then u know it is ready inside, i have seen similar used for steaks but a bit bigger, maybe this is for japanese food!!!!  

  4. Anonymous said...

    but i wonder why u need to plug it!?  

  5. Seisho said...

    ummm Erna, the first answer isnt correct but your second coment is quite good. I give you a clue we used this when we cooked OKONOMIYAKI.  

  6. Anonymous said...

    It appears to be the control to a frying pan, deep fryer, or some other type of cooking device. The dial is for selecting the precise temperature.  

  7. Seisho said...
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  8. Seisho said...

    Bingoooo!! Congratuation Sweet!  


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