
'Unexpected sensation' is one of the key word for my current project. I am collecting as many example as I can at this moment. If you have any good example please post it. For example as a photo above, but also it looks one way and feel another or even small or taste. By the way today is a week from 'Curiosity' posted day. We have 3 people who announced that they check my blog regulary, so from today I am going to only up date 3 times a week. This will be changed once we have more readers in the future.


3 コメント:

  1. Anonymous said...

    No...you actually have four people that check your blog regularly. I just haven´t commented until now :)  

  2. Anonymous said...

    I guess I am the 5th person... hehe! Your photos are really interesting! :-)  

  3. Anonymous said...

    I am a person number 6. cool blod indeed!!!  


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