
16:00 in London

I took a bit of time off after finishing my presentation, but as I had comments from 5 people, now Im going to update this 5 times a week.

Well today I'm going to talk about the winter time. In Japan we have day light until 6 even in winter, but in summer we have it until maybe 8 or less. So not much difference between. Since I came to London, I've found out that I can concentrate on works much more in the winter and prefer to go home ealier as it gets dark so early. In the summer, it is really really hard to concentrate anything you do indoor, apart of rainy days. Is there any good tip to concentrate on work when the weather is brilliant? I thought about having a window have some system that makes it looks like raining. You just switch on when you want to concentrate, as I found summer rainy days very calm and create an special atomosphere. What do you think?



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