
Bonen-kai is a Japanese word. It is an occasion people get together at the end of year. Me and my Japanese friends from our University had a Bonen-kai last night. We went for a chinese restaurant, then went to a party called Japan Night. It was fun to talk with all these friends together. We used to get together very often when we started Uni as we had more time, but now as we have no time, it hardly happens. Japan-Night was good too. I was supposed to DJ from 9 to 10, but ended up playing two hours. The DJ after me really liked my music and he wanted to me to carry on playing, but it was not easy as I only had vinyls for 1 hour. We exchanged numbers and promissed to exchange CDs next time we meet. I havn't been DJing for long time, so it was very satisfying. I got DJ plan next week too, and I'm looking forward.

昨晩は忘年会で同じ大学で仲のいい日本人の友達と中華料理を食べにいってきました。大学が始まった頃は今みたいに忙しくなくて、よくみんなで集まって色々やっていたんですが、久しぶりに、みんな一緒に集まると話も弾むし飯もうまい! いつも家でご飯を食べるときは一人なので、人と一緒に話しながら食べる事の良さというものを再認識しました。さてその後ですが、ジャパンナイトというロンドンで1番大きい日本人による日本人の為のクラブイベントにみんなで出動です。僕は9時から10時までDJの予定だったのですが、次のDJが僕のセレクションを気に入ってくれ、もっと聞きたいのでやってくれと結局2時間くらいやってました。最後の方は1時間分しかレコードを持っていってなかったので結構きつかったです。でも久しぶりにDJをやれたので満足です。来週は2回DJの予定が入っているので楽しみです。


Japan Night


4am at chinese restaurant for some hot snack

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