
Recently, I had a chance to do some project for Swarovski. While I was doing research for the project, I found this interesting online Jewellery design program. Have a go and if you come up some good stuff then post back here!


It's been a while since I last updated my blog.  I think I had enough rest to get it started again.

The concept of the blog remains the same.  I'm going to write the bit of everything and I will introduce people working in creative field.  Welcome back to joining the dots.



2007年1月1日 元旦


Happy New Year 2007!

It has been while after the graduation, I have been thinking a lot and doing a lot. I have decided to go back to Japan to see family and also one of my friend from London is going Japan tour for his music stuff.

Traveling with airplane can be pain, especially for those long flights. Althought there is always few ways of making it better. See this photo, so much space in front of you and you dont have to wake up your neighbour to go to the toilet anymore.
Those seats are usually kept for someone with babies until 48 hours before the flight. Ring them early and get hold of the good seat.

this photo is from peace memorial park in my city Hiroshima. Pigeons are waiting to be released for the ceremony on the day after.




It was fantastic 3 years!

Off to the beach!

Straight after next day of handing in, I got on airplane to Italy. There are beach parties organized by my friends. Luckily they offered me to play tunes on Sunday evening from this year. This is happening once a month from april to september. Take a look www.bocabarranca.it and you will find out more info. The party is called Boca all stars.

Although I slept 12 hours last night after being up nearly 40 hours, I was still feeling tired. When I got there it was around 11PM the party has already started. I've quickly ordered a pizza con parma ham and rucola ummmmm deliscious.
I've been greeted by the usual suspects and also met few new people. I didnt have much drink but I enjoyed the night with great music and great atmosphere outdoor just by the beach.

On Sunday I had slow start with my friend Mat (He's been introduced before in this blog). After wicked lunch I spent relaxing time till I started to play. The temperature was nearly 30 degrees!

On Monday when we get back London it was rainning and 9 degrees.... where is summer.

Saturday Night

View from Boca

Sunday Chillin'

Seiji Serving

Lovely Dog


Its been looooong time since the last time I put the news up. Today we have finished our final project! although got a presentation to do but still.

I made my record today of being awake 40 hours!!!!

Anyway sorry guys I cerabrated with a cup of coffee today.


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