At the end in Japan...

It has been while after the graduation, I have been thinking a lot and doing a lot. I have decided to go back to Japan to see family and also one of my friend from London is going Japan tour for his music stuff.

Traveling with airplane can be pain, especially for those long flights. Althought there is always few ways of making it better. See this photo, so much space in front of you and you dont have to wake up your neighbour to go to the toilet anymore.
Those seats are usually kept for someone with babies until 48 hours before the flight. Ring them early and get hold of the good seat.

this photo is from peace memorial park in my city Hiroshima. Pigeons are waiting to be released for the ceremony on the day after.



1 コメント:

  1. Anonymous said...

    noruwe- cha cha cha!  


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