Happy New Year!! 2006

Happy New Year!!
I have been busy & lazy since last post, I was not able to update my blog as I said 5 times a week. Today when I got up around 1 pm, because of strong sunlight coming through my window. I went out to get some food and drink. The air was really cold but refreshing at the sametime. 1st of January, it has a special atomosphere in Japan that very quite and everyone starts new year with totally new mind. Today I am going to just relax, and from tomorrow, I will slowly start to work on things including on this blog.


1 コメント:

  1. Anonymous said...

    You're the only one i know who is so busy and lazy at the same time. Happy new year and good luck with your projects! Waiting for your blog....

    ps. did you notice the cloud in your picture has looks like japan?  


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