Summer Trip 1

I'm gonna start writing about a trip I did with my friend in this summer from London to Moscow. We were originally planning to go back to Japan without using any flight. Unfortunately, we were not be able to get hold of siberia express tickets, so we got a flight from Moscow to Japan, although we will try again one day.

Day 1 (A) London - Brussels - Koln

As my friend had a problem with his new flat, he had decided to leave one day later. I was able to sleep only one hour before leavig as I was recording my vinyls to ipod in case if I'm gonna have chance to DJ on the way. I left home pretty early morning and headed to waterloo station. Check in was pretty easy and smooth. I still had some time, so decided to have some coffee and croissant. I had full of exiting expectation although I must have been pretty tired, you know the feeling you have when you are at the airport just before departing to your holiday. That was actually the first time for me to use Eurostar. I was imagining of bigger cars than what they had.

Arriving Brussels after nearly 3 hours of train journey. I have a big task now. I have to get hold of train ticket to warsaw, which I was not able to get before leaving London. I was told that it's too late to make a reservation at ticket center, as the train is coming in 4 hours. Only a possibility is to deal with train conductors on the platform. I finally killed 4 hours and waiting for the train on the platform. Eventually a shabby train appeared and stopped at the platform. I could recognize two different types of cars. At the front there were old, but ok looking cars. At the end there were cars that looked like from the second world war time and had russian letters on. Anyway my game had kicked off. I started to talk to conductors, but no one speaks English. There was a guy who told me to try to go the end of trains. I was not willing very much to spend time on those cars at the end, but if that is only an option left... I tried to talk to Russian conductors but no english at all. I remembered that sometime ago in London, I did sort of experiment with languages. I was speaking Japanese confidently to people, and sometimes people some how would understand what I was saying. Also spending 3 years in Italy was not waste of time as I have learned hand language. I did everything I could to tell them I want to go to Warsaw and want to buy a ticket. At the end of the day we are all humans, the conductors seemed like understood what I said, and they started to talk each other (there were 2 of them I was talking to). After little conversation he wrote down the price of ticket on a piece of paper he had. '150 Euro'... ummm... its not the best price but fear enough I'm buying it at last minuites. I looked at the car again, and looked his eyes and was gonna say 'ok I'm gonna take it', but I had a hunch that this is not going to be a good decision. I said 'no thank you'. The train has gone.

I went back to ticket center, as I was also told that there is another way to get Warsaw, although it didn't sound easy. I have decided to take this route. The route is.... Brussels to Koln (Germany) and wait about an hour then Koln to Berlin. There are about 4 hours to wait for next train In Berlin. Finally Berlin-Warsaw.

After waiting for couple of hours the train to Koln came in. On the way to Koln, I saw some small town where I would love to come and live. I could see that thier quality of life is very high. I just cannot explain well this in words... Old but clean and nice houses, it was sort of mixture of typical English house and German-Swiss solid house. Eventually the train arrived in Koln, the time was nearly midnight. I had a sausage, since I'm in Germany. It is interesting to see (taste?) different sausage in different country. I wonder why English sausage always has smooth meat, almost like pate.

The train to Berlin has appeared and it looked amzing. I had a 2 bed compartment and wished that no one will come into the room as it was really small even for myself. Luckily no one came in. As soon as I laid on bed I fell asleep stright way.


1日目 ロンドンーブリュッセルーコロン


3時間後、ベルギーの首都ブリュッセルに到着です。さてここで僕には大きな課題があります。最初の目的地ワルシャワに向けて寝台列車がこの駅から出ているのですが、出発前に時間の都合で購入する事ができなかったチケットを入手しなければいけませんません。チケットセンターに行くともう4時間後に電車がくるのでここでの購入はもうできないとの事です。僕に残されたのは、直接その列車の車掌と交渉しチケットを手に入れるという手段です。4時間をやっとつぶしてプラットフォームで待っていたら何か古くさい列車が姿を現しました。長いです。はっきりと2種類の違う列車が連結されている感じです。先頭の方は古いがまだこぎれいな感じですが、後ろの府はまるで第二次世界大戦中の物かと思われるようなものでロシア語が側面に書いてあります。とりあえず前の方で車掌に交渉開始です。英語があまり通じず苦労するが、どうやら開いている席がないらしい。近くにいたコーディネーター風のお兄さんが、ぎこちない英語で後ろの方で聞いてみろと言っています。言われた通りに後ろの方でロシア人の車掌に話そうとするが、英語が全くダメ。以前僕がロンドンで日本語を使い何故か通じた事が何回かある事、そしてイタリアで過ごした3年の間に覚えたハンドラングエージ(イタリア人が話す時、手の動作に色々意味があり面白い)を思い出す。’ワルシャワに行くチケットを買いたい’を伝える為にやれる事は全てやった。結局僕らは同じ人間、何とか分かってもらえたみたいで車掌同士の会話が少し続く、そして持っていた紙に’150ユーロ’、決して安い値段ではない。でも出発直前なので仕方ない。そのわずかな間、僕の目線はくたびれたロシア製の車両をなぞり、そして車掌の目に移る。人間という物は不思議な物で、理由もなく何かを予期したりする。いわゆる直感というやつで、車掌の目を見た瞬間僕は’No thank you'。列車は行ってしまった。



ベルリン行きの寝台列車が姿を現した。さすがドイツ、新しくなかなかかっこいい。僕は2ベッドのコンパートメントでもう1人が来ない事を祈った。ただでさえ身動きが取れないくらい狭いのに、これでドイツの大男なんか来た時には... 幸運にも誰も来る気配はなく、ベッドに横になった瞬間に眠りについた。

Brussels Station

Small Town

Today's Hero

View from Koln Station


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