
Today winter has arrived. I stayed home whole day to finish off some design job and also started to work on my writing project. I went down for a coffee. It was freezing, well I had a T-shirts and Jacket, maybe that's why. But the temperature has gone down a lot in one night. I haven't been any where apart of coffee shop, so I'm gonna put up some photo from this Summer. My friends Simone and Franco organize monthly beach party in Italy. Me and some of my friends went down in July. There was Reel People gig which was FANTASTIC! It was the best night out in my life! Food, Music and good people in right atmosphere, anything else can not beat it. Next night there was Patrick Forge on decks, which was also great night. Good think about beach party is totally fresh air as I don't smoke, and if you get tired of dancing you can just sit on the beach. I would strongly recommend to go there once.


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