Think Sink

There must be some reason.... I just used to say what a stupid design, as you can see hot and cold water taps seperately put on the sink. Does anyone know why? There are actually some other things that it doesn't make sense to me. Trafic lights, why do they have yellow light just befor turning to green? Is it very safe to have it, as most of cars start running when the yellow light is on. I'm curious to know why it's the way it is.


1 コメント:

  1. Anonymous said...

    My sentiments exactly. I think it's also a British thing "(my flatmate says it's the water here - does funny things and makes people stupid). Here are some other pet peeves I don't understand in UK:

    1. Why the doorknobs are stuck in the middle in some places

    2. Why it's so damn difficult to open a bank account in UK

    3. Why plumbers/pest control/electric technicians seem to have all the power in this country (money, time demanded, you name it!)

    4. Why everything closes so damn early???  


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